LCC - Temporary Road Closure - Pendleton Road, Wiswell - Surface Dressing Works

24th of May, 2022

The order will be in force bertween the hours of 0600 hours and 2000 hours on 18th July 2022 - 15th August 2022

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LCC - Broad Lane Whalley Temporary Road Closure - Emergency Drainage Works

24th of May, 2022

The prohibition will be operative from 0900 hours on 24th May - 2359 hours on 27th May 2022.

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Extraordinary Parish Council Planning Meeting 26th May 2022

23rd of May, 2022

To be held in the Lower Garden Room, Old Grammar School 7pm.

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New service for older residents to combat loneliness

18th of May, 2022

Free phone service for anyone over the age of 65 years, see poster for further information.

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Next Whalley Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 19th May at 7.30pm preceded by the Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7pm, and Planning Committee meeting at 7.15pm

13th of May, 2022

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