5th of December, 2022

Please find attached December's Bus Service Changes information giving details of forthcoming changes to bus services. This information is also available at www.lancashire.gov.uk, just searc...

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Parents' views and experiences with the Health Visiting service. 2-2 and a half years survey.

29th of November, 2022

LCC are currently in the process of reviewing our 0-19s Health Visiting and School Nursing service. As part of the engagement process, we would like to know more about parents' views and experiences with the Health Visiting servic...

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Parents' views and experiences with the Health Visiting service. 6-8 week survey.

29th of November, 2022

LCC are currently in the process of reviewing our 0-19s Health Visiting and School Nursing service. As part of the engagement process, we would like to know more about parents' views and experiences with the Health Visiting servic...

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Community Living Room

28th of November, 2022

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Lancashire Community Food Grant Scheme

28th of November, 2022

The next round of the Lancashire Community Food Grant Scheme is now open for applications.  The grant scheme is for community groups within Lancashire and is aimed at local organisations within the voluntary, community and faith sec...

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